ホーム > 2024 試験 D-MSS-DS-23: Dell Midrange Storage Solutions Design 2023 試験内容の詳細-passexam
2024 試験 D-MSS-DS-23: Dell Midrange Storage Solutions Design 2023 試験内容の詳細-passexam
DELL EMC認定資格 D-MSS-DS-23 試験の準備には、効率的な学習計画を立て、適切な学習リソースを選択し、効果的な学習戦略を採用する必要があります。 ここでは、受験者が最初の試行で DELL EMC D-MSS-DS-23試験に合格するのに役立ついくつかの提案を示します。

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これらの提案は、受験者が効率的な準備計画を立て、DELL EMC D-MSS-DS-23 試験の合格率を高めるのに役立ちます。

1.What is the purpose of the NVMe NVRAM drives in Dell PowerStore?
A. Vaulting and read cache
B. Read and write cache
C. Read cache and metadata
D. Vaulting and write cache
Answer: D

2.On whicher can a solution architect find guidance for ctatus reported in the PowerStore Manager?
A. Cluster, node, and appliance
B. Volume, drive, and appliance
C. Node, drive, and cluster
D. Drive, appliance, and cluster
Answer: D

3.What tools can be used to migrate block data from a legacy VNX array to a new Dell Unity XT array?
A. SANCopy and PowerPath Migration Enabler
B. EMCopy and SANCopy
C. PowerPath Migration Enabler and Rsync
D. Rsync and EMCopy
Answer: A
Training: Tools for Block and File Data Migration pg 41 - Midrange_Storage_Solutions_Design_PG.pdf

4.What tool automates the collection of host configuration data?
A. Grab
B. SolVe
C. SupportAssist
D. My Work
Answer: A

5.A customer with a Dell Unity XT 680 asks about enabling the Advanced Deduplication feature.
Which configuration is recommended for enabling the feature?
A. On All-Flash pools when CPU utilization is at or less than 50%
B. On All-Flash pools with free capacity above 20%
C. On hybrid pools with free capacity above 20%
D. On hybrid pools when CPU utilization is at or less than 50%
Answer: A

6.A customer has a Dell Unity XT array with a dynamic pool of six 600 GB drives using RAID 5 protection. They ask you for guidance about their plan to increase capacity by adding seven 600 GB drives with RAID 6 protection.
What should be your response?
A. Add the drives, then use UEMCLI to change the RAID width
B. RAID width set in drive partnership groups cannot be changed
C. Unisphere allows them to change the RAID width
D. Start a new drive partnership group with seven 600 GB drives
Answer: B

7.What activity is initiated along with the site evaluation to ensure the solution being sold is supported in a customer environment?
A. Implementation
B. Remediation
C. Sizing
D. Design
Answer: B

8.Which front-end protocol card in Dell Unity XT 380 offloads processing to save CPU cycles for other operations?
A. 4 port Fibre Channel module
B. CNA for iSCSI
C. 4 port iSCSI module
D. CNA for Fibre Channel
Answer: B

9.What is the minimum number of IP addresses required for the initial configuration of a stand-alone PowerStore T?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 2
D. 8
Answer: A

10.A systems administrator is evaluating a new solution for the deployment of new applications. The solution must offer storage over iSCSI for 50 Hyper-V VMs and storage over SMB to use as a user-shared area. High performance is a requirement, so the administrator has decided on NVMe SSD as the media.
Which solution meets these requirements?
A. Dell PowerStore T deployed in unified mode
B. Dell Unity XT deployed in unified mode
C. Dell PowerStore T deployed in block-optimized mode
D. Dell PowerStore X deployed in unified mode
Answer: A